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A Feminist Rant

Ritwika Ghosh
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'overacting'. 'overreacting'.

'girls these days aren't happy with all that they are given- a separate compartment in the metro, reservations in colleges, jobs'.

too bad i am not happy that you call me a feminazi when all i did was defend my rights as a worker, a housewife, a student, a human. 

too bad i am not happy that i am leered at, stared at, catcalled, sent pictures of your penises that i want to rashly reply to but too bad i am so scared that in this country, you'll stalk me, hunt me down and kill me because i didn't want unsolicited, unconsented pictures that make me uncomfortable. 

too bad that i am not happy because all i wanted was to live but you kill me in the womb because you're so ashamed that you created me. 

too bad that i am not happy that i fell in love with someone you didn't choose for me so you hit me, punch me, curse me, kill me because all i did was fall in love. 

too bad that i am not happy with the way you label me when I leave my house, a slut, a whore, a nazi because angry girls who wear whatever they want, say whatever they want are always nazis. 

too bad that you think that my body is your birthright to be used, abused; that my body is always at your service to be used just as a hole because i married you.
too fucking bad.

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